Isaac's twitter

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Because I'm not a good Blogger...

I've decided to stop pretending I'm going to actually take the time to blog.
HOWEVER! I think I can at least find the time to twitter. So, look to the right...

Monday, September 8, 2008


I'm very excited to be only 1 shift away from being completely done with all my "NightFloat" shifts and Harborview.

Never shall I need live with the mole people again!

It's actually rather strange to work a night shift. You would think that all you see is night, but actually all you see is daylight. You go work in the evening, you're inside all night, and then go home in the morning. Then, you try to sleep when it's ridiculously bright outside and everyone else is living their normal lives.
Sometimes I feel like I've been awake for an entire week, since I'm awake all night long, and then even though I'm alseep for a few hours during the day, I'm fully aware of the time passing since Tiffany is doing all sorts of stuff while I'm asleep. So it's kind of like there's a full week's worth of timeline, rather than reseting at the end of each day.
And it's really hard to remember what day it is.

Anyway, that's that!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Pictures of our empty house

I've posted some pictures from our final walk-through on picasa.

Here's the link.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

he comes in peace . . . or does he?

This is a duplicate post from my other blog (electric sleepwalking), but some things are too important and must be seen.

It's somewhat self-explanatory - if it's not, then all I can say is enjoy the mystery.
Think of it like that first 'Cloverfield' trailer.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Pittsburgh, PA!

Okay, so it's pretty pathetic that there have been no posts since November, but it's the holidays, so what do you expect?

Right now I'm holed up in a hotel in Pittsburgh, watching Mythbusters.  They're testing the action-hero-falls-through-successive-awnings myth (as seen in 'temple of doom') 

--Movie trivia aside: according to the DVD special features, Lucas saw 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom' as an opportunity for him to make a "horror" film.  Speilberg was apparently not all that into it, which may explain its being the worst of the series (until the two of them mess up 'indy 4'), and his using the time to woo his eventual wife, Kate Capshaw.--

Anyway, I'm stuck-inside-of-pittsburgh-with-the-P.A.-blues-again (heh heh... Dylan).  Interviewed for a residency spot at West Penn earlier today.  I'm scheduled to fly out early tomorrow to phoenix, then to SLC for another interview.  (The brilliance of this interview trip is that I have 8 flights in 5 days, since no one seems to fly directly from one city to the next).

Portland -> Minneapolis -> Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh -> Phoenix -> Salt Lake
Salt Lake -> Denver -> Wichita
Wichita -> Denver -> Portland


Pittsburgh has some interesting architecture.  A lot of stuff seems Gothic-inspired.  Some buildings old enough to be deco/gothic, and newer ones that are post-modern/gothic.  
I'll post some pics as soon as I've got them uploaded.

Until then...  serenity now!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Post #2: the return

Greetings from Seattle, WA!
     I'm up here doing a visiting rotation for 2 weeks at UW, and Brandon and Katie have been kind enough to let me hole up in Sebastian's room.  I'm finding it difficult trying to split my time between Indy and "the Wall" (aka Brandon's Xbox 360 projected HD onto their wall forming a 20 foot or so screen - I tell you, it's like living in the future).
     Truth be told, I've only played a handful of Indy pinball and about an hour of Guitar Hero II.  The bulk of my free time has been spent building cool train tracks with Sebastian.

Friday, November 16, 2007

"I'll tell you the effect..."

     So, I've been spending the past two weeks trying to figure out what the best subject would be for my first post, and I've finally decided to just start posting!
     I've been in Salt Lake for the past two weeks doing a visiting anesthesia rotation, and today was my last day.  Tiff has been back in Portland -working- but will be driving back here tomorrow.  My parents decided to watch 'Ghostbusters.'
     It occurs to me that this movie is truly one of the defining comedies of my generation (if not THE defining comedy).  If 'the Godfather' is the source of all wisdom, then 'Ghostbusters' is the source of all... well, hilarious non-sequiters, I guess.  The point is, much of this movie's script is built into our lexicon (at least, mine); even random throw-away lines..

"sorry about the bug-eyes thing, I'll be in my office", "I collect spores, molds, and fungus", "I'd call that a big yes!", "but the kids love us", "back off man, I'm a scientist", "call it fate, call it luck, call it karma", "we came, we saw, we kicked its ass", "what about the twinkee", "cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!!", "she's telling the truth... at least she thinks she is", "look at all this junk food", "nice shootin' tex", "important safety tip", "that's gotta be some cockroach / bite your head off, man", "when somebody asks you if you are a god, you say YES", "he's an ugly little spud, isn't he", "he's been slimed / that's great Ray, save some for me", "I'm a little fuzzy on the whole good-bad thing", "well, that's what I heard!"

     This could go on all night.  My point is, this movie has been grossly underappreciated on "best ever" lists, including the quite-lame AFI 100 best lines ever..  Really, I mean what the hell is the big idea about "well, nobody's perfect"?  It can't hold a candle to "I'll tell you the effect... it's pissing me off."
     So take some time tonight, pop some popcorn, buy a big twinkee, and watch one of the funniest and most enjoyable films ever made.