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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Pittsburgh, PA!

Okay, so it's pretty pathetic that there have been no posts since November, but it's the holidays, so what do you expect?

Right now I'm holed up in a hotel in Pittsburgh, watching Mythbusters.  They're testing the action-hero-falls-through-successive-awnings myth (as seen in 'temple of doom') 

--Movie trivia aside: according to the DVD special features, Lucas saw 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom' as an opportunity for him to make a "horror" film.  Speilberg was apparently not all that into it, which may explain its being the worst of the series (until the two of them mess up 'indy 4'), and his using the time to woo his eventual wife, Kate Capshaw.--

Anyway, I'm stuck-inside-of-pittsburgh-with-the-P.A.-blues-again (heh heh... Dylan).  Interviewed for a residency spot at West Penn earlier today.  I'm scheduled to fly out early tomorrow to phoenix, then to SLC for another interview.  (The brilliance of this interview trip is that I have 8 flights in 5 days, since no one seems to fly directly from one city to the next).

Portland -> Minneapolis -> Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh -> Phoenix -> Salt Lake
Salt Lake -> Denver -> Wichita
Wichita -> Denver -> Portland


Pittsburgh has some interesting architecture.  A lot of stuff seems Gothic-inspired.  Some buildings old enough to be deco/gothic, and newer ones that are post-modern/gothic.  
I'll post some pics as soon as I've got them uploaded.

Until then...  serenity now!

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