Isaac's twitter

Monday, September 8, 2008


I'm very excited to be only 1 shift away from being completely done with all my "NightFloat" shifts and Harborview.

Never shall I need live with the mole people again!

It's actually rather strange to work a night shift. You would think that all you see is night, but actually all you see is daylight. You go work in the evening, you're inside all night, and then go home in the morning. Then, you try to sleep when it's ridiculously bright outside and everyone else is living their normal lives.
Sometimes I feel like I've been awake for an entire week, since I'm awake all night long, and then even though I'm alseep for a few hours during the day, I'm fully aware of the time passing since Tiffany is doing all sorts of stuff while I'm asleep. So it's kind of like there's a full week's worth of timeline, rather than reseting at the end of each day.
And it's really hard to remember what day it is.

Anyway, that's that!

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